Dollar store mirrors
I got this idea from another pinterest site click here; This title pretty much says it all but basically, I just got 18 4x6 simple mirrors at the dollar store, then I also got 2 foam core sheets also at the dollar store, I got white but you can get black too. then when I got home, First thing I did was remove all the picture hanging deals (which come in handy later so don't through them away)and the stand,I got out the glue gun,placed them where I wanted them, turned em over and only glued the sides, trying to get too much so it wouldn't seep through and show on the outside of the frame. Then once they were all together, I put the foam core on the back and glued it all over again with the hot glue gun! But then I added some picture hanging deals that I got from the back of them earlier, and glued one to the top center of the pic. and Vuala! awesome hanging super cheap and easy dollar store mirrors.
In total I probly spent 20 bucks on it.
In total I probly spent 20 bucks on it.
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